Hello, I just wanted to say that I think this is a solid game and I enjoyed all the current content. I did not expect to see an actual story, let alone one that actually kind of connects the characters rather than just each character having their own story. I am interested to see the stories of each of the characters progress.
Hello, im here to adress some different bugs I had while playing the game. I would also like to send my save to you so you can fix it ! All happen on 0.42a. I mostly play on Android through web browser.
I know debuging can be a long task if you don't have someone testing it for you.
Somethings I'll point out aren't bugs but quality of life features that would help alot.
Here we go :
- Lilith -> Opponent stats stay behind the menus, which can make it hard to close, especially on mobile.
- Some scrollers are way to thin which makes them really hard to use on mobile. Also clicking on some elements in them is prioritized over scrolling, which shouldn't be the case.
- Is there any sound ? I never heard anything but the main screen music
- While fighting, some spells make you draw, other doesn't. Spells like multi thrust makes you change your whole hand, which makes it very hard to use since it's a setup spell. It'ld be cool if such informations were displayed.
- Spell selection menu should be sorted by folders. You've got clear categories, either by stats or just what it does. Teasing spells, Finisher spells, Buff/Setup spells, Others.
Now on the characters :
- Magic Strip on Auriel makes the game error out. I didn't try to do it with higher magical stat then her.
- Auriel Sex Defeat Typo (There are /N everywhere, might have to do with the way you handle strings)
- Iris Feral Sex Defeat doesn't work at all
- Shizu fights are REALLY confusing, almost nothing works on her, there a strip bugs sometimes. Once I had the strip actually working but her artwork stayed the same.
- Characters levels might reset. I fought Auriel alot because I had stronger skills against her, she reached like level 17 while the other were 12. At some point her level reseted with the others leveling up. Shizu can go up from level 1 to like 14 for no reason. I also had Iris level fast without fighting her that much.
- Stat and XP increase are weird. Arousal is the only stat you can keep increasing at all time. When using teleportation circles, sometimes, training won't give anything untill some point. I thought it was scaling around level, but it was not. It would be cool, if it's intended, to add some indicator such as "you cannot grow this stat further for the moment". Otherwhise just fix it, because it's frustrating to farm stats and just not get them. Im also locked XPwise. So I miss out on some stats, such as Charisma which I can't take to 40, which is also frustrating. To me this feel like your priority (just behind auriel bug)
- Im also locked Storywise, I can't reach Shion's second Sex scene.
- There are some typo's here and there, you shoumd use GPT3.5 to correct text. Btw I don't know how you store it, but try to dtore all text in one folder with subfolders.
- I tend to think that the deck building change wasn't that great, because it lacks some offense/defense aspects. You don't get stuck in bad situations as much as before, dodge spell can be really strong with the good stats. No fuckback defensive option, Grab kinda sucks now, and getting grabbed isn't as terrible as it used to with Shion for exemple.
- last but not list, option menu is also really confusing.
- I think working on interfaces coule help alot first because it's a really big deal in this kind of game. Some colors are off, backgrounds look a bit old etc. I also think some sex artworks in the game look gorgeous but base artwork aren't close to them at all (Worst case would bevour little dragonmaid).
Thanks for the very detailed report. I would say that most of the problems are related to playing on mobile, the game was only designed for pc. I am actualy amazed that you managed to play it on mobile.
About farming stats it is locked, you can only increase them so much via training and this limit increase a little with each level up.
During the fight you draw new cards every 3 turns, it does not depend on the skill selection.
The game started with art draw by my sister but she stopped drawing and I went to AI art, all sex illustrations are AI art.
The enemy levels vary with victory and defeat, they win they lose a level, if you win they gain a level, it is not very realistic, but it works to create balanced fights.
Some of the bugs you found are already fixed on the next version but Shion story case I have no idea what could be wrong none had problems with it until now.
The file looks fine, the only difference is that this version was built with an updated version of renpy using python 3 instead of 2, no idea why it is causing problems for you.
My biggest recommendation: get someone to proofread your text. I couldn't actually get through the opening stuff because of the many major spelling/grammar errors
ok, i usually dont leave these kinds of reviews but im going to be blunt. FUCKING NERF THEM!!!! I cant even get past the second bitch and i spent 3 FUCKING HOURS TRYING. good concept, but unfair as fuck. at least add a cheats system shit or nerf them for fucks sake. sorry but im being honest and blunt. again, love the concept but its too fucking hard.
It didn't help that after some battles my stats would actually go DOWN for some reason and stay there. I went from 34 agility to 28 after losing two fights IMMEDIATELY following the sharp difficulty spike. Even before that, the difficulty is VERY overwhelming. The game is simply too difficult even if you have a lot of dodge with high stats like Agility Strength and Dex.
Stats going down is really strange, never happened during my tests, the only thing in the game right now that reduce your stats is when the magic buff ends but it is just to return your stats to what they were before the buff.
The buff increase str and agi for some time, the amount and duration depending on how much you invested in magic. Then it goes on cd for a few turns and you can use again.
But it really was supposed to become easier with levels even if the feats are not implemented yet, they will probably come with the next girl in 0.3
Later today I will release another version including an easymode option for those who want it but I will still see if I can balance the game a little more and give the player some buffs while there are no feats.
Im having the same problems. Stats were in the 25 range and now they are at 6. Really weird. And the options to train my strength and agility disappeared so i cant train them back up...
Thanks you all for the feedback, I found the bug resulting in the magic empowerment reducing your stats two times. It happened when you had high agility and the buff ended on an extra turn. Next build will be here soon with ajustments in the difficulty and easy mode for those who want it.
The four character arts are originals. Was the oni inspired by the oni in monster girl dreams? Yes, is it the same? No, put them side by side if you want confirmation.
"Inspired" You say, Copy a char and have a bit fun in photoshop is maybe a bit more than inspiring. Btw... i did not name the game so... there is that^^
Dude sure, they are not pixelperfect the same anymore, but really? U want to defend that? There is too much still on the same place. Maybe you changed it legally enough to be on the safe side... but c'mon where is your honor? We both know WHAT you did. You can accept that this was a petty move. Or lots of people may come to the conclusion, that is not worth it to support such a developer.
Feel free to contact the artist of the mgd and ask him to take a look at mine and say if it really is what you think. I am pretty sure he will say that they are not the same nor a photoshoped version of his work.
Let me go ahead and tell you something, an Oni female character is not "original" even the artist you want to say who drew it, copied it from someone else.
for one, despite you having a point, you're just rude. as for two, it's not photoshopped, he traced it, and honestly, is better than original artist when it comes to technical skill, which is super confusing to me, as to why he would do that. it just doesn't make any sense. but it doesn't mean you can be rude to them. if you're on internet it doesn't mean you should behave like an animal, be respectful. or at least try to be.
I disagree with rudeness of "Achore", but he does have a point. I put them side by side, and I see that it's been clearly traced. There is nothing wrong with tracing imo, if you change the originally traced piece enough, which you haven't.
E: as someone who is new to art, i understand the value of tracing, but in your case... you don't need to trace. You're good already. But if you insist on tracing, then do it only for the initial sketch, and change the piece in the process, use it as a starting point instead of ending one. Well we all make mistakes, we just need to learn from them, hopefully you will learn from yours.
I liked the original character and the position so I got my own version, And you will find tons of similar characters on the same position on the internet never saw anyone complaining about it I think in this case is just that some fans of mgd are so passionate about it that when they think someone stole something from the game they get angry. When in reality is the opposite it just show that the characters in the game are remarkable enough to be remembered and for someone to want to create something similar.
She will get more positions later so it should solve the problem if there are more people like Achore.
Firstly if you thought that was rude, than I am sorry for that. I am in regards of communication... VERY direkt and just say what I think without any care of how can I say it nicer. Sorry for that.
If it is traced, mad respect to your skills, but than your tracing skills are... too good ;) Sure here it is just about an H-Game, but if it was an Character from something like Disney hell would break loose just from their and of things.
And from my point of view you were just in denial or sitting in your chair smiling and lying about the fact that these two artworks are too similiar to be a coincidence.
You did not just use that char as simple inspiration if they are similiar and the same on so many levels.
If you would at least say, yes I went overboard with my tracing/drawing skills this would be a whole other thing. The problem is not that these are too similar, the problem is you say these are completly different chars.
Edit: Finding chars/artworks/fanart on the internet is one thing. Using that for a game you want to earn money with is a different story ;)
well, think of it as artistic courtesy, it's fine if character is similar, but umm... please understand how it would feel for that artist to see this.. well it's not cool. There were ways to improve it and make it yours, but you skipped that part, and worst of all you put the screenshot of pretty memorable character on the front page. For a game that is essentially the same genre as the "inspired" character is from. Well, i'm not angry or anything, like i said, it's just not cool, and my point was and still is that you seem to be fully capable on doing it better on your own. You're clearly not a beginner when it comes to art, take your time with the art, especially if you're making a game of your own, don't cut corners on a art when it's the primary "bait" of the game.
I wish that you learn, improve and make a banger game. God knows indie games are the only hope that game have left.
Huh a new BF game huh? Well gave the demo a try, and there is certainly potential. Some typos and grammar problems, but nothing too bad. The art is really nice as well.
At the moment its mostly lacking in feeling 'alive' I guess. There is some framework of the opponent reacting to things, but there's no variation and its pretty limited. Still, I imagine this is the thing of 0.1
I mean, those screenshots there show a pretty fit looking oni (?) girl that is very much my aesthetic. Even has sarashi!
The oni is on 0.2 currently only for patreons but will hit public build next month. Right now the combat is pretty basic although there is already moves that you need to progress the story to learn. Following Auriel story you can get your first spell to use in the fights.
Understandable, just means more room for growth and improvement! EDIT: There's certainly potential going here of course. I'm unsure of your long term plans, but hopefully more variety in the text isn't too far off. Repetition is expected in a game to a point, but it's nice to have some variety
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Hello, I just wanted to say that I think this is a solid game and I enjoyed all the current content. I did not expect to see an actual story, let alone one that actually kind of connects the characters rather than just each character having their own story. I am interested to see the stories of each of the characters progress.
Hello, im here to adress some different bugs I had while playing the game. I would also like to send my save to you so you can fix it ! All happen on 0.42a. I mostly play on Android through web browser.
I know debuging can be a long task if you don't have someone testing it for you.
Somethings I'll point out aren't bugs but quality of life features that would help alot.
Here we go :
- Lilith -> Opponent stats stay behind the menus, which can make it hard to close, especially on mobile.
- Some scrollers are way to thin which makes them really hard to use on mobile. Also clicking on some elements in them is prioritized over scrolling, which shouldn't be the case.
- Is there any sound ? I never heard anything but the main screen music
- While fighting, some spells make you draw, other doesn't. Spells like multi thrust makes you change your whole hand, which makes it very hard to use since it's a setup spell. It'ld be cool if such informations were displayed.
- Spell selection menu should be sorted by folders. You've got clear categories, either by stats or just what it does. Teasing spells, Finisher spells, Buff/Setup spells, Others.
Now on the characters :
- Magic Strip on Auriel makes the game error out. I didn't try to do it with higher magical stat then her.
- Auriel Sex Defeat Typo (There are /N everywhere, might have to do with the way you handle strings)
- Iris Feral Sex Defeat doesn't work at all
- Shizu fights are REALLY confusing, almost nothing works on her, there a strip bugs sometimes. Once I had the strip actually working but her artwork stayed the same.
- Characters levels might reset. I fought Auriel alot because I had stronger skills against her, she reached like level 17 while the other were 12. At some point her level reseted with the others leveling up. Shizu can go up from level 1 to like 14 for no reason. I also had Iris level fast without fighting her that much.
- Stat and XP increase are weird. Arousal is the only stat you can keep increasing at all time. When using teleportation circles, sometimes, training won't give anything untill some point. I thought it was scaling around level, but it was not. It would be cool, if it's intended, to add some indicator such as "you cannot grow this stat further for the moment". Otherwhise just fix it, because it's frustrating to farm stats and just not get them. Im also locked XPwise. So I miss out on some stats, such as Charisma which I can't take to 40, which is also frustrating. To me this feel like your priority (just behind auriel bug)
- Im also locked Storywise, I can't reach Shion's second Sex scene.
- There are some typo's here and there, you shoumd use GPT3.5 to correct text. Btw I don't know how you store it, but try to dtore all text in one folder with subfolders.
- I tend to think that the deck building change wasn't that great, because it lacks some offense/defense aspects. You don't get stuck in bad situations as much as before, dodge spell can be really strong with the good stats. No fuckback defensive option, Grab kinda sucks now, and getting grabbed isn't as terrible as it used to with Shion for exemple.
- last but not list, option menu is also really confusing.
- I think working on interfaces coule help alot first because it's a really big deal in this kind of game. Some colors are off, backgrounds look a bit old etc. I also think some sex artworks in the game look gorgeous but base artwork aren't close to them at all (Worst case would bevour little dragonmaid).
Here it is, hope this helps you to fix things.
Keep up the good work !
Where can I send you my save ?
Thanks for the very detailed report. I would say that most of the problems are related to playing on mobile, the game was only designed for pc. I am actualy amazed that you managed to play it on mobile.
About farming stats it is locked, you can only increase them so much via training and this limit increase a little with each level up.
During the fight you draw new cards every 3 turns, it does not depend on the skill selection.
The game started with art draw by my sister but she stopped drawing and I went to AI art, all sex illustrations are AI art.
The enemy levels vary with victory and defeat, they win they lose a level, if you win they gain a level, it is not very realistic, but it works to create balanced fights.
Some of the bugs you found are already fixed on the next version but Shion story case I have no idea what could be wrong none had problems with it until now.
It actually work really well on mobile !
For the Shion quest lock, I ended up doing another save and it worked fine but I really don't kniw what happened.
Yo, I'm getting instant crash-to-desktop on launch as of the new update. Ran fine before that.
Mac version, fyi, if that matters
The file looks fine, the only difference is that this version was built with an updated version of renpy using python 3 instead of 2, no idea why it is causing problems for you.
My biggest recommendation: get someone to proofread your text. I couldn't actually get through the opening stuff because of the many major spelling/grammar errors
What happened to the android port of this game?
Never had one, I can't promise anything but I will take a look into it.
ok, i usually dont leave these kinds of reviews but im going to be blunt. FUCKING NERF THEM!!!! I cant even get past the second bitch and i spent 3 FUCKING HOURS TRYING. good concept, but unfair as fuck. at least add a cheats system shit or nerf them for fucks sake. sorry but im being honest and blunt. again, love the concept but its too fucking hard.
You are the first one to complain like that about the difficulty, could you tell me how did you invest your stats and your general strategy in combat?
It didn't help that after some battles my stats would actually go DOWN for some reason and stay there. I went from 34 agility to 28 after losing two fights IMMEDIATELY following the sharp difficulty spike.
Even before that, the difficulty is VERY overwhelming. The game is simply too difficult even if you have a lot of dodge with high stats like Agility Strength and Dex.
Stats going down is really strange, never happened during my tests, the only thing in the game right now that reduce your stats is when the magic buff ends but it is just to return your stats to what they were before the buff.
The buff increase str and agi for some time, the amount and duration depending on how much you invested in magic. Then it goes on cd for a few turns and you can use again.
But it really was supposed to become easier with levels even if the feats are not implemented yet, they will probably come with the next girl in 0.3
Later today I will release another version including an easymode option for those who want it but I will still see if I can balance the game a little more and give the player some buffs while there are no feats.
Im having the same problems. Stats were in the 25 range and now they are at 6. Really weird. And the options to train my strength and agility disappeared so i cant train them back up...
Thanks you all for the feedback, I found the bug resulting in the magic empowerment reducing your stats two times. It happened when you had high agility and the buff ended on an extra turn. Next build will be here soon with ajustments in the difficulty and easy mode for those who want it.
Hope the Oni Art changes in some time and is just a placeholder... I like to support new games... I do not like people who steal artworks...
The four character arts are originals. Was the oni inspired by the oni in monster girl dreams? Yes, is it the same? No, put them side by side if you want confirmation.
"Inspired" You say, Copy a char and have a bit fun in photoshop is maybe a bit more than inspiring. Btw... i did not name the game so... there is that^^
If that is what you think your clearly didn't do what I told you but it is ok everyone is free to think and believe what they want.
Dude sure, they are not pixelperfect the same anymore, but really? U want to defend that? There is too much still on the same place. Maybe you changed it legally enough to be on the safe side... but c'mon where is your honor? We both know WHAT you did. You can accept that this was a petty move. Or lots of people may come to the conclusion, that is not worth it to support such a developer.
Feel free to contact the artist of the mgd and ask him to take a look at mine and say if it really is what you think. I am pretty sure he will say that they are not the same nor a photoshoped version of his work.
Let me go ahead and tell you something, an Oni female character is not "original" even the artist you want to say who drew it, copied it from someone else.
for one, despite you having a point, you're just rude. as for two, it's not photoshopped, he traced it, and honestly, is better than original artist when it comes to technical skill, which is super confusing to me, as to why he would do that. it just doesn't make any sense.
but it doesn't mean you can be rude to them. if you're on internet it doesn't mean you should behave like an animal, be respectful. or at least try to be.
I disagree with rudeness of "Achore", but he does have a point.
There is nothing wrong with tracing imo, if you change the originally traced piece enough, which you haven't.
I put them side by side, and I see that it's been clearly traced.
E: as someone who is new to art, i understand the value of tracing, but in your case... you don't need to trace. You're good already. But if you insist on tracing, then do it only for the initial sketch, and change the piece in the process, use it as a starting point instead of ending one. Well we all make mistakes, we just need to learn from them, hopefully you will learn from yours.
I liked the original character and the position so I got my own version, And you will find tons of similar characters on the same position on the internet never saw anyone complaining about it I think in this case is just that some fans of mgd are so passionate about it that when they think someone stole something from the game they get angry. When in reality is the opposite it just show that the characters in the game are remarkable enough to be remembered and for someone to want to create something similar.
She will get more positions later so it should solve the problem if there are more people like Achore.
Firstly if you thought that was rude, than I am sorry for that. I am in regards of communication... VERY direkt and just say what I think without any care of how can I say it nicer. Sorry for that.
If it is traced, mad respect to your skills, but than your tracing skills are... too good ;) Sure here it is just about an H-Game, but if it was an Character from something like Disney hell would break loose just from their and of things.
And from my point of view you were just in denial or sitting in your chair smiling and lying about the fact that these two artworks are too similiar to be a coincidence.
You did not just use that char as simple inspiration if they are similiar and the same on so many levels.
If you would at least say, yes I went overboard with my tracing/drawing skills this would be a whole other thing. The problem is not that these are too similar, the problem is you say these are completly different chars.
Edit: Finding chars/artworks/fanart on the internet is one thing. Using that for a game you want to earn money with is a different story ;)
well, think of it as artistic courtesy, it's fine if character is similar, but umm... please understand how it would feel for that artist to see this.. well it's not cool. There were ways to improve it and make it yours, but you skipped that part, and worst of all you put the screenshot of pretty memorable character on the front page. For a game that is essentially the same genre as the "inspired" character is from. Well, i'm not angry or anything, like i said, it's just not cool, and my point was and still is that you seem to be fully capable on doing it better on your own. You're clearly not a beginner when it comes to art, take your time with the art, especially if you're making a game of your own, don't cut corners on a art when it's the primary "bait" of the game.
I wish that you learn, improve and make a banger game. God knows indie games are the only hope that game have left.
Where is the other one come form
Monster Girl Dreams. I highly recommend, it's on itch.io and is free.
Huh a new BF game huh? Well gave the demo a try, and there is certainly potential. Some typos and grammar problems, but nothing too bad. The art is really nice as well.
At the moment its mostly lacking in feeling 'alive' I guess. There is some framework of the opponent reacting to things, but there's no variation and its pretty limited. Still, I imagine this is the thing of 0.1
I mean, those screenshots there show a pretty fit looking oni (?) girl that is very much my aesthetic. Even has sarashi!
The oni is on 0.2 currently only for patreons but will hit public build next month. Right now the combat is pretty basic although there is already moves that you need to progress the story to learn. Following Auriel story you can get your first spell to use in the fights.
Understandable, just means more room for growth and improvement!
There's certainly potential going here of course. I'm unsure of your long term plans, but hopefully more variety in the text isn't too far off. Repetition is expected in a game to a point, but it's nice to have some variety