A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Dungeons&Essence is an Isekai adventure story focused on rpg elements and world building with many kinds of woman to meet and fuck on the way.

Most non humans follow the Law of Defeat where you must be willing to please the victor of a fight sexually so expect lots of sex after fights if you choose so.

The combat is turn based with positional grid and lots of skills and abilities to unlock. You will also be unlocking tons of summons and be able to build your own team in many different ways.

The player also have his own stats that can be increased during the intro and by leveling up. A full equipment system with a ton of options and variety for weapons, armors and accessories.

Adventure awaits in a world so get ready to delve into dungeons, gather essence and meet all the amazing women waiting for you.

You can find the latest version(0.12) on my Patreon.  


D&E-0.2.2d-pc.zip 128 MB
D&E-0.2.2d-mac.zip 122 MB
D&E-0.3-pc.zip 141 MB
D&E-0.3-mac.zip 135 MB

Development log


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i like the concept so far one problem the combat is weighed too heavily against the player ive tried dozens of combos and stat spreads cant even beath the 1st dungeon

Strange, people usually don't have problems with the goblin dungeon. They usually struggle against the adventurers blocking it but it stopped after I added the option to get the slimes to help you.

im what you call a blursed individual i tend to get goot loot in  turn based rpgs but in say a 4v4 turn based seting id be the only person the enemy team targets and every single attack would be a critical success even if i had a 99% chance to evade everything so yeah hope my little example helps explain why im having trouble...

A tip for the first dungeon is that you can change summons and skills between fights. If you paid attention Shuni gives you tips of what you are going to fight so you can prepare. Getting aoe skills when fighting a horde and single target skills when fighting a single boss can help a lot.

the adventurer parties feel way too op I feel like no matter what point of the game i meet them I always lose.

(1 edit)

sup mate. dunno if its a bug but i got +265 plantoid essence and couldnt get the skill for 230. (nevermind i just got it after 279)

Android please

No android version for now but you can always use joiplay to play it on android using the pc version.

idk why but when i use joiplay it always crash :/ i even try other settings too but still crash

Neat game, there is a way to break being able to ever visit the goblin forest but after some restarts and trial and error i managed to have some success.

The game is really grindy. 2 hours for 1.25 levels.

(1 edit)

If you try to skip the tutorial using the map you get stuck in the city, this bug is already fixed on the next version. 

You shouldn't need to grind levels since you can't go above level 1 before completing the first dungeon. You only need to form a good comp to defeat the adventurers before entering the dungeon. Doing quests also help, they are a good source of money and completing all three give you an unique trinket.

Well my comps keep getting wiped turn 1 and i don’t know what i can do about it. This might me be playing the game badly that i am effectively getting stuck. Build attached.

You didn't say against who you are getting destroyed but it is easy to see that you are lacking a tank, change the goblin caster for a goblin defender, it is the only tank you unlocked although you only need to defeat 3 slimes to unlock it, the slime can also work as a good tank with offhealing capabilities.

If you want to tank yourself you need to change your skills and manifestation, water is good for tanking and you didn't show your gear but it is clear it can still improve. There is also a good tanking trinket for completing the three guild quests.

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I was getting destroyed by the adventurers which i kept retrying as an ambush. If i loose experience it’s obvious i did something wrong so i save scummed and tried again. Had more success with a new character where i didn’t bother reseting as after loosing i was over 100 exp of level 1 anyway so i didn’t loose anything (as excess exps go to waste) and then the second try was suddenly doable.

If you want to make that loss scripted then don’t punish the player for losing. Give them experience for losing instead. Then it is obvious that loosing was intended.

(2 edits)

Total play time with new character: 4 hours unique sex scenes 4: Tutorial elf, slime 1, slime 3, 1/2 goblin

Still very grindy

Is there any content after the goblin shaman sex? I can only seem to grind standard enemies.

Okay i had another run with another character. High magic and charisma, get defeated by slimes then fucking until water is maxed. Build character from that. Very important to have monsters not on mind control as grinding takes way to long otherwise

Loose to adventureres first time. (don’t load a safe, loosing EXP (like half a level) here is really punishing and unfair as this loss is basically scripted)

Winning team: Water slime + baer + area spell focused with healing spell hero in back row.

Not being able to save in the goblin dungeon is just a needless time waster. Yes you will need a different spell set for the 6 enemies before the goblin end boss vs the goblin end boss alone. Having to fail the dungeon once to discover enemy troop composition then master it no problem is just annoying, saving after enemy would make my time feel more valued as a player.


Your helper says what you need for each fight if you pay attention and you can save right before entering the dungeon.

You are missing a few scenes, 4 in total. 

There are two for the Shivari that you need to be level 1 to get it since I have not implemented her level 2 encounter yet. It is the second of the guild quests 'The demon of the forest'(It is male on futanari, the description of the quests gives a warning about it.). You get one for defeating her the first time and a second one the second time you win. 

And there are the scenes against the single slime and the trio os slimes when you are defeated.

Your helper says what you need for each fight if you pay attention and you can save right before entering the dungeon.

It is cool that you thought of a way you think you solved the problem i am encounterting. Kudos to you. You are probably really smart to think of them. Sadly i am dumb a player which goes in the game with different expectations and knowledge than you. Some of your clever solution go over my head entirely.

I give you quite elaborate feedback what problems i run into. I don’t have to. I think maybe you can learn something from my problems and reports but you seem to be more interested in “blamming” me. So i will stop giving any feedback as it doesn’t seem welcome.

You are missing a few scenes, 4 in total.

I only count two scenes i didn’t list. Slime 1 and slime 3 referred to the single slime and tripple slime encounters. Also i would count two scenes with the same image of a character as different scenes. So yeah i forgot about Shivari as i couldn’t recruit her, as only managed 50% of her before leveling up and that annoyed me so much that forgot about her. Hehe. Glad ot hear you are working to fix that. Only wasted like 10 minutes trying to get a scene of her at Lvl. 2.

The bug that keeps you in the inv screen when you try to pick skills makes the  game unplayable

Do you remember what you did right before it started happening? Because I did 2 playthroughs testing and never found problems with the inventory or skills screens.